Benninghoff Comments on House Contempt Vote of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner

September 13, 2022

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) commented Tuesday on the House voting to hold Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in contempt for his willful refusal to comply with a duly issued subpoena from the House Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order:

“Refusing to comply with a duly issued subpoena issued by the full authority of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is extraordinary, nearly unprecedented, and dangerously undemocratic. By doing so, the Philadelphia district attorney, an officer of the court and a representative of the Commonwealth, says he is holding himself above the law, that he is untouchable,” Benninghoff said.

“The district attorney is a lawyer, an officer of the court, and a representative of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and he needs to know that the law is the law. It applies to the people he refuses to prosecute. It applies to him,” Benninghoff continued.

“Taking this action today is the first step in further accountability. It is a necessary action that puts other remedies in play and allows the Select Committee and the House to seek compliance or have the district attorney face additional punishment.”

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Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives


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