Benninghoff Applauds Recent Action on Election Integrity Measures

July 8, 2022

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) Friday applauded recent action taken by the Pennsylvania General Assembly to take significant action to deliver on election integrity.

The House of Representatives Friday passed Senate Bill 982, which gets rid of inequitable and unaccountable “Zuckerbucks” – private money used to fund some of Pennsylvania’s county-run election systems. Instead, the legislation provides state funding that can only be used for enumerated purposes with transparency and reporting requirements.

“This bill—passed as part of the overall budget deal—provides landmark funding for our elections and gets rid of third-party financing that was both unaccountable and inequitably distributed, while guaranteeing state appropriations are used appropriately and with accountability,” Benninghoff said.

Benninghoff also said two constitutional amendments passed the House that will enhance election integrity should they be passed by the General Assembly in the next session and be approved by the voters: One amendment would authorize enhanced voter identification requirements and the other would authorize election audits.

“Providing for enhancements to our current voter identification law is a concept that has broad bipartisan support among Pennsylvanians and something the voters themselves should decide upon,” Benninghoff added. “Pennsylvanians can only have faith in their government if they first have faith in the system that elects them. Ensuring our elections are above board with post-election audits furthers that goal and provides for transparency in our elections that will engender more confidence in their outcome.”

Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jason Gottesman
(717) 512-0620 /

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