Benninghoff Secures Nursing Home Funding, Student Investment in State Budget

June 25, 2021

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) announced Friday that the Pennsylvania state budget passed by a vote of 140 to 61 and the spending plan provides for increased funding for nursing homes and invests significant additional dollars in students.

A main priority of Benninghoff as majority leader was securing the $282 million in federal funding for Pennsylvania’s nursing homes and other long-term care facilities will receive to help with the purchase of personal protective equipment, testing and other pandemic-related costs.

“Throughout the course of the pandemic, Pennsylvania nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have been the front line in caring for those most susceptible to this deadly virus all the while struggling to make ends meet as needs exceeded available resources. The funding provided for them in this budget guarantees they have the ability to obtain the materials they need to protect residents and staff and provide a safe environment for those they are entrusted to care for,” Benninghoff said.

The state budget will also provide $300 million more in basic education, $30 million more in early childhood education, and $50 million more in special education funding. In addition, the budget provides for a historic level of funding for the state’s Education Improvement Tax Credit program, which provides scholarships for students to go to private school.

“Providing for educational opportunities is a key goal in any budget and we had the ability with federal funding to provide significant investment in our students in the coming year,” Benninghoff said. “Per-pupil education funding continues at an all-time high and I am proud to continue leading the charge in maintaining the state’s commitment to educate all of our students.”
Also included in the budget is an additional investment that will allow 501 more seniors to participate in in-home and community-based programs.

“Aging in place is important for many Pennsylvanians and I am proud to have worked for additional investment in home and community-based programming for those who wish to remain independent and in a family setting,” Benninghoff added.


Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives


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