PA House Majority Leader Comments on PIAA Sports Bill Veto Override Vote

September 23, 2020

HARRISBURG – Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives failed to override Gov. Tom Wolf’s veto of House Bill 2787, legislation that would ensure decisions about school sports and spectators can be made at the local level.

In response, Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) made the following statement:

“We have said from the beginning that this effort is more than just about school sports. It is about safely providing families the best educational opportunities for their children both inside and outside the classroom and ensuring certainty and consistency in the resumption of these activities.

“Unfortunately, today more Democrats decided to cave to political pressure by flipping their vote instead of standing up for their constituents. Until more Democrats are willing to stand up for the people of Pennsylvania instead of standing with their political party or their governor, the Commonwealth will remain mired in the governor’s emergency rule. We continue to call on them to stand with us—a united Republican caucus—against this governor’s overbroad, inconsistent and contradictory orders, especially when they have voted in support of these proposals before.

“House Republicans will continue to put forward a legislative agenda that stands up for children, families and small businesses—the very people forgotten by this governor’s overbroad, confusing and inconsistent orders during this pandemic.”

Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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