Grant Writing Seminar to Aid Local Government, Nonprofit Organizations, Lawmakers Say

January 20, 2017

MIFFLINBURG – Local government officials and leaders of area nonprofit organizations are invited to a grant writing seminar on Friday, Feb. 17, at Middlecreek Area Community Center, 67 Elm St., Beaver Springs.

The seminar is organized by Penn State Cooperative Extension, Middlecreek Area Community Center and Reps. Fred Keller (R-Snyder/Union), Adam Harris (R-Franklin/Mifflin/Juniata) and Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre). It is sponsored by Middlecreek Valley Chamber of Commerce, and lunch is provided courtesy of Weis Markets.

The seminar offers valuable information for grant writers of all skill levels. Topics to be addressed include:

  • Assessing grant options and opportunities.
  • Building relationships with foundations and funders.
  • Maximizing grant search efforts.
  • Developing an effective proposal that showcases the organization’s strengths.
  • Understanding how proposals are reviewed.
  • Measuring results.
The full-day seminar runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend.

RSVPs are required by Feb. 10 and can be made by contacting Keller’s office at 570-966-0052 or 570-837-0052, or by registering online at, or

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