Benninghoff to Host Town Hall Meetings
April 27, 2017
HARRISBURG – Working to ensure open lines of communication with the people he represents, Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) is hosting a series of town hall meetings over the next several weeks.
“With so much happening in Harrisburg, I like to provide periodic updates on key issues such as the state budget, pension reform, efforts to combat the heroin and opioid epidemic, and more,” Benninghoff said. “But the most important part of these meetings is hearing the questions and concerns of the people of Centre and Mifflin counties. I really hope to have a great turnout at each of these sessions.”
The town hall meetings will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. on the following dates and locations:
Monday, May 1, at the College Township Municipal Building, 1481 E. College Ave., State College.
Wednesday, May 3, at the Spring Township Municipal Building, 1309 Blanchard St., Bellefonte.
Monday, May 15, at the Union Elementary School All-Purpose Room, 95 N. Penn St., Belleville.
Wednesday, May 17, at the Ferguson Township Municipal Building, 3147 Research Drive, State College.
Thursday, June 1, at the Old Gregg School Community Center, 106 School St., Spring Mills.
No RSVPs are necessary to attend the sessions, and light refreshments will be provided. For all the latest news, visit Benninghoff online at or
Representative Kerry Benninghoff
171st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Patricia Hippler
717.772.9846 /
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